The movie "Lean On Me" is all about the dedicated but tyrannical Joe Clark is appointed the principal of a decaying inner-city school that he is determined to improve.
Lean On Me is based on a true story of a principal in a New Jersey high school, Eastside High. The Principal, Joe Clark, is hired in 1983 to run one of the worst schools in this state. His mission is to turn this crime, drug, and graffiti infested school around completely in one year’s time. Clark must bring order and peace to this school and must also bring up the learning level of the students so they can pass the state’s minimum basic skills test.
One of the first things Joe Clark did to reform this school was expelling 300 minority students who he claimed were "educationally hopeless and overage underachievers, parasites, hoodlums, and drug pushers". To make sure these now ex-students stayed out and could not return, Clark chained and locked the school doors from the inside. Clark demanded respect from not only his students but also with the faculty. If respect was not given Clark simply removed you from the school.
The reason of his action was only to get his students be well-mannered and discipline person. He said to himself that he is going to change the bad past to the good future. So, he said, just "LEAN ON ME"....
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